Comfrey is a leafy perennial herb reaching up to 1 m. Comfrey grows erect and has large and hairy leaves.The inside of the root contains slimy juice, hence its names slippery root and gum plant. Comfrey flowers grow at the end of the stems in one sided clusters. They are tubular shaped and white or blue coloured.
Location and Preparation of your Comfrey Bed
Comfrey is a pretty tough plant that will grow from small pieces of root so do choose your location with care. It is easier to kill most weeds than comfrey.
Comfrey has been used for centuries for its wound healing properties. Comfrey is mainly used externally to treat inflammation and to stimulate wound and fracture healing. The phytochemical allantoin is known for its stimulation of cell proliferation.
With the help from my dear friend Leslie, I have the intension to make comfrey ointment, so this is the beginning.
Comfrey leaves stopped in a pot and filled up with olive oil.