Saturday, 2 April 2011

Spring flowers

Lesser celandine

Helleborus orientalis

Viola odorata


Viola tricolor


Kom Achterom said...

Wat is het toch heerlijk hé vandaag!!
Ik kom ook net uit de tuin. lavendel geplant en rozemarijn wat een heerlijke geur.
fijn weeekend

Comfrey Cottages said...

Oh Rita, your flowers look so beautiful! I sent you a packet of seeds in a little card. You should be receiving it any day:) I love you!! thanks for sharing your flower picturesxxxx

Rita M said...

Thank you Leslie, I look forward to it.
Love you my dear friend.
Big hugs XXX

Tim Hopper said...

Hi Rita!

Yeah, that's lesser celandine (Top pict. It's eight petals give it away). A beautiful harbinger of spring true. It's rated as 'Garden Worthy' by the British Natural History Museum, though it's a real 'runner' here, so it's one I'm glad to see 'elsewhere' :)

Love your viola!

Tim :o)x

Rita M said...

Hi Tim,

thanks for the name of this beautiful flower Tim.


Rita :)