First we took a long walk along the cliffs of Dover,and then continue to drive to Canterbury. After a wonderful day we stay at Dadmans in Teynham.
I am counting on the help from my friend Tim to help me with the names of native plants we encountered on this walk :)
Alhoewel men slecht weer gaf, hadden we twee prachtige dagen in Engeland.
Eerst deden we een lange wandeling langs de cliffen van Dover en daarna reden we door naar Canterbury. Overnachten deden we bij Dadmans in Teynham (onze vaste stek ondertussen)
Gorse (Ulex europaeus)
Wild wallflower (Cheiranthus sp)
Unknown until now ....
Very possibly the hairy Violet (Viola hirta)
Wild cabbages (Brassica oleracea)
That is so very nice that you and both of your children were able to take a beautiful trip:) I love that bed and breakfast you stayed at! Very beautiful brick and gardens there. I like that pretty flower arrangement with its bright flowers:) Sammy and Sam having fun! lol
I will make some time to search the internet and see if I can help with identifying the plants also. I hope Tim knows:)
The children are so grown up and beautiful:) As are you my dear friend! thank you for sharing your trip with us xoxoxoxox love you!
Hi Rita
Love your picks and slideshow!
The first two plant photos are definitely what we call Gorse (Ulex europaeus). Typical, if a little windswept :)
The next two down I'm pretty sure are wild wallflowers (Cheiranthus sp.) Probably garden escapes though.
I can't make out the next, maybe a member of the carrot family?
One down. Definitely a violet! Very possibly the hairy violet (Viola hirta).
The last two are wild cabbages (Brassica oleracacea). Ancestor of all our modern cabbages/sprouts/cauliflowers etc. A true denizen of the white cliffs!
Glad to hear you had great weather again in the UK!
Tim :o)x
Thank you Leslie,it was the first time we were away together, I had a dog sitter, a neighbor and that went very well :)
Love you to my sweet friend XXXXXX
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the help my friend, I was pretty sure that you would know them.
Hugs to you,
Rita :)
Oh i am so glad it went well with the doggie sitter (neighbor) Rita! Nice you could all 3 get away together:)xx
Tim, I was thinking that may be gorse, but as I have never met any, was unsure. The wallflower is not familiar to me, but the violet I suspected and so funny the last one is wild cabbage as it looks just like my garden brussel sprouts flower:) xx
Hello Rita,
Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. I am so pleased to have found yours, it seems we have an interest in wildflowers in common.
I enjoyed your lovely slide show as well as the flower photos, it looks like you had a great time in England, glad the weather was kind to you!
Best wishes.
Looks GORGEOUS there - I could almost smell the ocean air! Beautiful...
Your B&B looks really nice and I love the photos of Sammy, he's a lovely dog. Lots of wildflowers about now, the wild roses are just starting to flower in my part of England.
Dag Rita,
Ben jij inderdaad bij Rosemary Cottage Garden geweest? Ik heb nog om me heen zitten kijken of ik je wellicht herkende van de foto. Ik ben er vanaf één uur 's middags geweest. Wanneer je ook om die tijd daar was, zou het leuk zijn geweest om elkaar te ontmoeten. Heb trouwens wel een auto met Belgisch kenteken bij de Meytuin zien staan, dat is op die zelfde dijk. Jopie de Mey hield ook open tuinendag.
Hoor wel van je!
Lieve groet, Marja
Hallo Rita,
Wat een prachtige wandeling moet dat geweest zijn. Ik vind het erg leuk om de bloemenfoto's te zien. Ik woon in Zweden, maar anders ... wat is Engeland toch inspirerend.
Dag Rita,
Wat jammer, want ik was toch echt op die tijd ook in de tuin. Ik was er om ongeveer half één en ben om half vijf naar huis gegaan. Wij hebben nog een tijd metn Louise zitten praten tussen de optredens door. Ik weet niet waar jij hebt gezeten, maar het is werkelijk jammer dat we elkaar niet herkend hebben. Ik was degene die het optreden van o.a. Louise heeft gefotografeerd, heb je dat wellicht gezien? Ha, ha volgende keer moeten we alsof we in een film spelen maar gewoon een bloem opspelden om elkaar te herkennen. Overigens ben ik als journaliste bekend als de bonte hond, wanneer je naar Marja gevraagd had, zou iedereen me aan jou hebben voorgesteld.
Maar ja, het voornaamste is dat we ons heerlijk hebben vermaakt toch?!
Lieve groet, Marja
I live in West Sussex on the South Coast of England. We stayed in Kent last year, and visited the White Cliffs of Dover, and had a very long walk across them. I took photos quite similar to yours. So glad the weather was kind to you on your stay in the UK. x
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